The Future of Marketing: Part 1
The Future of Marketing is an exciting new event designed by marketing professionals, for marketing professionals.
The speed of technological change, the speed of global development, the floods of data now at our fingertips and our insatiable appetite for more has created a marketing landscape full of opportunity.
But with this opportunity comes a huge challenge.
How do we structure our teams?
How do we define & measure success?
How we do we move from a tactical focus to the strategic focus that will see marketing take its seat at the boardroom table?
If these questions and challenges are your questions and challenges then The Future of Marketing is the event for you.
Our content has been curated under 7 themes:
The Future of Data:
Fiona Rooney
Managing Director
Ipsos MORI
The Future of Marketing Teams
Andi Jarvis
Eximo Marketing
& Wifi Refugees
The Future of Customer Experience:
Paul James
Project Director
Chatmore 24/7
Ardmore Advertising
The Future of Video Marketing:
Peter Craven
BlueSky Video Marketing
& The Future of Marketing
The Future of Automation:
Michael Carlin
Founder & CEO
The Future of Public Relations:
Michelle Canning
Head of PR
NI Housing Executive
CIPR Member & Accredited Practitioner
The Future of Boardrooms:
Eileen Mullan
TedX Speaker
Founder of Boardroom Apprentice
Founder of Strictly Boardroom
The Future of Customer Experience
Mark Kelso
Founding Director
Shopify Expert
Glaze Digital
The Future of Boardrooms:
Carol Magill
Network Manager
CIM Ireland
Board Member - USEL
Opening Address:
Lynsey Cunningham
Regional Director - Entrepreneurship
Royal Bank of Scotland
& Ulster Bank
The Future of PR:
Riki Neill
RNN Communications
The Future of PR:
Tim Monroe
Marketing Director
Smiley Monroe
Click below and you'll be the first to know as we develop exclusive content previews in the lead up to the event
Watch our exclusive content videos with our speakers providing a preview of what they will feature in their presentations at The Future of Marketing: Part 1.
We're delighted to welcome Paul James from Ardmore Advertising to our event. Watch the video below for a preview of Paul's presentation which will cover how you can use Facebook Messenger as a channel to expand the reach and engagement of your campaigns and steal a march on your competition.
We'll also be joined by Fiona Rooney, Managing Director of Ipsos MORI in Northern Ireland. Watch the video below to find out what Fiona will be covering in her presentation to the event.
Fiona will be showing us how we can use custom consumer insights to help inform our decisions about new product development, new market entry and our key marketing messages.
For The Future of Boardrooms we'll be joined by Eileen Mullan - founder of Strictly Boardroom and The Boardroom Apprentice.
Eileen will talk to us about how these initiatives seek to equip those identified with boardroom potential with the skills required to thrive in the boardroom environment and add real value to the organisations that we inhabit.
Anyone that has seen Eileen speak will testify to the quality of her presentations and the inspiring personal story that is sure to leave a mark on anyone who comes along.
Eileen is a TedX speaker and appeared at Stormont in 2016 - if you weren't there or aren't one of the lucky ones who has seen her presentation then grab yourself a tea or coffee and sit back and watch the video of her presentation below.
We are joined by Michael Carlin - CEO of Zymplify for The Future of Automation session.
In his presentation Michael will outline how Marketing Automation can be used as a means of creating more effective, integrated campaigns across a variety of channels.
His presentation will also show how by bringing all your analytics and user information into one, easy to use, real time dashboard you are able to stop looking at your analytics in the rear view mirror and start to make decisions in real time about how to optimise your campaigns for maximum return on your marketing investment.
If you're currently working in marketing or communications and would like to clear the fog, reduce the noise and navigate a path to success in this new world then The Future of Marketing: Part 1 is the event for you.
All our contributors have been carefully chosen to ensure you leave armed with the knowledge you need to move your own career and your organisation forward.
A combination of:
Real life case studies from businesses like yours
Interactive Discussions Sessions
Workshops with your peers
ensures you make the most of the opportunity that The Future of Marketing: Part 1 represents for you and your business.
9am: Registration
9.30am-12.30pm: Morning Session
12.30pm-1.15pm: Lunch & Networking
1.15pm-4.30pm: Afternoon Session
**Hours are subject to change. Please check back for updates.
Entrepreneur Accelerator: The Belfast Hub
6th Floor, Lombard House
10-20 Lombard Street, Belfast, BT1 1RD
We're delighted to bring you The Future of Marketing: Part 1 in Association with
The Future of Marketing: Part 1 is brought to you by BlueSky Video Marketing.
Having worked in global marketing for 20 years helping businesses to create the difference that results in sales success, our founder, Peter Craven established the company in 2017.
Focusing on the huge opportunity that video presents we now work with clients across a wide range of sectors to develop a video marketing strategy that results in sales success.
Videos that help you sell more.
That's what we do.